Monday, June 29, 2009


Since I last posted, life has continued to get more and more exciting. I have been enjoying life in DC so much! I continue to make new friends each week and have finally established a consistent routine with work.

Last weekend I went to dinner with my Bible Study group to a wonderful little restaurant in Chinatown. Afterwards, I went out with some other interns from work which was an absolute blast! I really hit it off with some fellow interns I met through orientation which is nice because I don’t have to tag along with my roommates and their friends. I also got to see a good family friend last week who was here for work. It was a nice way to ease any homesickness!

Bible Study out to Dinner in Chinatown

Getting around the city has become easier each day. I now know how to efficiently use the metro bus and train systems! However, Friday I decided to walk home from the gym and there was a huge thunderstorm! The wind started blowing me over so I had to hide under a porch while it was hailing and pouring rain! I emerged to find fallen trees blocking the street and smashing into cars. Thankfully I made it out without a scrath...Just a little WET! I am becoming more of an actual adult every first grocery shopping trip alone was last weekend Saturday and did an amazing job of staying within my budget. Budgeting is a new challenge for me, but I think I am doing a really good job thus far! Furthermore, my roommate told me I am going to be a good mom because I cook so well...that may be the FIRST and LAST time anyone ever tells me that!

I know I jokingly told some of you I was looking for love while in DC, and I want you all to know, I have had several dating “opportunities”, one of which happened on my way home from the grocery store. I was waiting at the bus stop and a bus (which I didn’t need) stopped. I waved the bus driver on only to have the driver stop the bus (while the light was red) and ask me for my phone number. Imagine my and the many people on the crowded bus shock! I politely declined...On my way to work last week one of the garbage men pretended to ask me for directions and instead gave me his phone number…Bernard’s number is still being proudly displayed on our refrigerator. I also have had one successful dating experience with someone who is a college student and does not work for any department of the city of DC service sector :)
My roommates are absolutely amazing. I enjoy being with each of them. Recently, we have all gotten into watching “Jon and Kate Plus 8” and “The Bachelorette”. Even though each of us is different, we all get along and are open to getting to know each other better every day. My roommate Julia and I went to the Caribbean Festival/Parade by Howard University on Saturday. It was a great experience to see everyone in the neighborhood out to celebrate Caribbean culture. I even met a guy with a pet boa constrictor who let me take a picture with his snake! On Saturday evening I had a bunch of interns from work over to our apartment. It was great to relax (more like act wild) and bond with everyone—we had guests until 3:30 AM!


My roomate JULIA and I at the Caribbean Festival

This Sunday I played the piano for worship at church, and my roommate Russell played guitar. I enjoy being a part of a church body that is so welcoming to people using their gifts and talents. My faith has really been impacted by my time here. I feel that I am struggling with old temptations, but I also feel that I am growing closer to God in my quite times and fellowship with fellow believers. I have been able to mix my faith well in DC. I went to the Invisible Children “HOW IT ENDS” rally in front of the White House last week which was part of Invisible Children’s campaign to help rescue child soldiers from Northern Uganda. It is an amazing organization and hearing women from Uganda speak about the situation there was inspirational. More than anything, hearing the way their faith impacted their work gave me a renewed hope. My daily devotions have been coming out of the book “Wired for a life of Worship” by Louie Giglio. I have been so struck by what it means to worship and very convicted in my own life of where I direct my worship. My weekly Bible Study has convinced me that small groups are important in your faith. It is refreshing to support and be supported by a group of young Christians.


Besides all of these wonderful experiences, I have had the opportunity to go to events at the State Department which are quite enriching. I will be going to some amazing places in the next week so keep checking for updates.

Although my time here has been very positive, I have been very saddened by two events that occurred in DC in the last couple weeks. First, the shooting at the Holocaust Museum which killed one security guard and second, the metro accident that killed 9. Both impacted me more than I thought they would. I think it is because I can see myself in their shoes. I ride the metro and have gone to the Holocaust Museum. Given there are many people who do and have done those things, but I think it mainly showed me how precious and unpredictable life really is. How one second you can be texting a friend or reading a book on the metro and the next dead in a freak accident. In everything, I have been inspired to live my life to the fullest while I am here. I want to soak in new experiences and be thankful for the blessings I have. Even if I have a long day, I remind myself at least once a day “LIFE IS GOOD.” I think no matter how horrible life may seem, it is possible to be thankful for even the most basic of things. This may not pull me out of a bad mood but at the very least it can bring me back to the reality that each person who is still living is blessed to have each breath we breathe. This weekend my mom, her friend Sally and my two aunts are coming to visit. The Fourth of July in DC ought to be an amazing time! Enjoy the pictures that I post…there will be many more to come :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome to the District!

Wow! I cannot believe I have only been in DC for 10 days. It already feels like I have been here for a while. Life here is off to a great start, and God has been doing some awesome things.

I have been making friends here and there, but the friends I have made are really great! I didn’t know any of my roommates before I came to DC but I really enjoy them. We got a free TV from the guys downstairs so that is our nightly activity after we get home from work and the gym. We are all fairly new at cooking, but we have gotten pretty creative with our meals. One of my roommates Russell was actually a Bible camp counselor last summer, so we went to church together and Bible study together as well! (The church I am attending is called 3 strands community church. It is much like my church, Damascus Road in Madison! There are tons of interns, and everyone is really relaxed and friendly. I may be playing the piano for worship in the near future.) Katie and I are TV addicts and watch the show Snapped and anything we can possibly think of to DVR every night. Julia is the resident “mom” who is always checking in with us to make sure everyone had a good day at work. At work, I met an intern named Laura who was also a Bible camp counselor before this summer, and she is in a sorority like me! I do not know how it’s possible that 2 of my 6 friends so far are camp counselors, but that just shows God is at work! We eat lunch together every day, workout together, and spent a good chunk of the weekend together exploring DC. For only knowing one another for a week, we have had a lot of great memories already. We went down to the waterfront last weekend where people dock their boats. Some guys waved us to come on their boat, so we joined the festivities and hung out there all day! It was a blast. I met another intern who I hung out with Laura and I over the weekend. His best friend from school in New York is from Wisconsin and he went to high school with a my friend from school. (SMALL WORLD) I was out and about in this area called Adams Morgan on Saturday night and saw a girl who I work with in the Information and Tour Guide office…we were very surprised to run into each other as you can imagine!

Work so far is good! I have learned a lot of interesting things and enjoy chatting with all of the interesting people I work with. There is actually a UW alumnus in my office and when my boss was in the Foreign Service, his best friend was from Wisconsin as well!

TONS OF WISCONSIN (and random) connections, and I am sure there will be more random ones to come!

I am reading a really great book called “Wired for a Life of Worship” by Louie Giglio. It is an amazing encouragement to worship God with every opportunity we receive.

Shoot me an email/call if you want to catch up more!
