Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome to the District!

Wow! I cannot believe I have only been in DC for 10 days. It already feels like I have been here for a while. Life here is off to a great start, and God has been doing some awesome things.

I have been making friends here and there, but the friends I have made are really great! I didn’t know any of my roommates before I came to DC but I really enjoy them. We got a free TV from the guys downstairs so that is our nightly activity after we get home from work and the gym. We are all fairly new at cooking, but we have gotten pretty creative with our meals. One of my roommates Russell was actually a Bible camp counselor last summer, so we went to church together and Bible study together as well! (The church I am attending is called 3 strands community church. It is much like my church, Damascus Road in Madison! There are tons of interns, and everyone is really relaxed and friendly. I may be playing the piano for worship in the near future.) Katie and I are TV addicts and watch the show Snapped and anything we can possibly think of to DVR every night. Julia is the resident “mom” who is always checking in with us to make sure everyone had a good day at work. At work, I met an intern named Laura who was also a Bible camp counselor before this summer, and she is in a sorority like me! I do not know how it’s possible that 2 of my 6 friends so far are camp counselors, but that just shows God is at work! We eat lunch together every day, workout together, and spent a good chunk of the weekend together exploring DC. For only knowing one another for a week, we have had a lot of great memories already. We went down to the waterfront last weekend where people dock their boats. Some guys waved us to come on their boat, so we joined the festivities and hung out there all day! It was a blast. I met another intern who I hung out with Laura and I over the weekend. His best friend from school in New York is from Wisconsin and he went to high school with a my friend from school. (SMALL WORLD) I was out and about in this area called Adams Morgan on Saturday night and saw a girl who I work with in the Information and Tour Guide office…we were very surprised to run into each other as you can imagine!

Work so far is good! I have learned a lot of interesting things and enjoy chatting with all of the interesting people I work with. There is actually a UW alumnus in my office and when my boss was in the Foreign Service, his best friend was from Wisconsin as well!

TONS OF WISCONSIN (and random) connections, and I am sure there will be more random ones to come!

I am reading a really great book called “Wired for a Life of Worship” by Louie Giglio. It is an amazing encouragement to worship God with every opportunity we receive.

Shoot me an email/call if you want to catch up more!


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