Since the Civil War between the Government of Uganda (GoU) and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) began in Northern Uganda in 1986, the humanitarian situation in the region has become dire. Though the citizens of Northern Uganda have all experienced the effects of the Civil War, children have been the most affected, as thousands have been abducted and forced into a life as child soldiers in the LRA. As the conflict continues, the human rights of children in the region are constantly in danger.
Civil War
Since 1986, the GoU has been involved in a Civil War with the LRA movement, which can be traced back to a woman named Alice Lakwena who believed the Holy Spirit spoke to her and ordered her to overthrow the GoU. (Invisible Children) When Lakwena was exiled, Joseph Kony, who claimed to be her cousin, took control. Because he lacked support, Kony and the LRA resorted to abducting children and indoctrinating them into their ranks beginning in the late 1980s and continuing today.
Recent Peace Process
The Juba Peace Talks between the GoU and the LRA commenced in 2006 and concluded in March 2008 with the Final Peace Agreement (FPA) which secured a cease-fire agreement and facilitated valuable discussion about the need to address political and economic problems in the region. (World Vision) They were conducted with EU, UN, and US support in addition to Southern Sudanese government mediation; however, they failed because Joseph Kony refused to sign, as signing would cause him to lose power and face arrest for human rights and war crimes.
Child Soldiers
The LRA attacks villages and displacement camps to abduct children for their ranks. The children are forced to commit acts of violence including cutting off hands, ears, or lips of individuals alleged to be allied with the GoU. (World Vision) The children are as young as eight, and include boys and girls, used to work as child soldiers, or to serve as “wives” of rebels. (United Nations) Since the start of the Civil War, it is estimated that 30,000 to 66,000 children have been kidnapped. (World Vision) Joseph Kony’s waning legitimacy and support from the citizens of Northern Uganda have caused him to resort to the abductions. Since over 90% of the LRA are abducted children, it is evident that the movement is dependent on child soldiers.
Individual v. Collective Rights and State Sovereignty
Understanding the debate between individual and collective rights as well as state sovereignty are key to realizing an end to the conflict. For those who value individual rights, there is motivation to take steps to protecting and restoring the rights of the children in Northern Uganda, child soldiers or otherwise. For those, like the GoU, who value collective rights, there is little motivation to take steps to protecting the rights of children when that might mean compromising political and economic stability, security, and funding available to the rest of Uganda. State sovereignty is important to consider when determining the amount of international presence and pressure in Uganda. Though there is genuine international interest in protecting the human rights of Ugandan children, there is also interest in protecting the sovereignty of the GoU to make decisions about its own country. This presents challenges in the distribution of international aid and peacekeeping.
Past and Current International Responses
The EU, US, and Canada have responded to the crisis in Northern Uganda through domestic legislation, diplomatic support, and humanitarian aid. (Invisible Children) In 2005, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Joseph Kony. The UN has coordinated aid and support for the 2006 Peace Talks; however, peacekeeping forces have not been provided. (World Vision)
Non-Governmental Organizations The most active NGOs in Northern Uganda are Invisible Children, Resolve Uganda, and World Vision. Invisible Children is committed to seeking sustainable solutions to foster an environment that encourages peace, including educational and economic development. (Invisible Children) Resolve Uganda is concerned with political collective action to end the war. (Resolve Uganda) World Vision began working in Uganda in 1986 and has secured sponsorship for more than 112,000 Ugandan children to ensure their welfare and futures. (World Vision)
Government of Uganda’s Actions In 2008 the GoU, DRC, South Sudan and the Central African Republic launched an attack on LRA strongholds within DRC. (Invisible Children) The GoU has not actively given priority to protecting, rescuing, or rehabilitating children from the LRA, despite national and international laws guaranteeing their basic rights. (World Vision) Police and judicial infrastructures, crippled during the war, are unable to address high rates of sexual violence and other crimes. (World Vision) Though the GoU has created a framework for redeveloping conflict-affected areas, the continued lack of implementation has prevented educational and economic development from occurring. (World Vision)
Future Response I would advocate for a 5 pronged attack: (1)International Engagement and Peace Process, (2)Prevention, (3)Rescue and Rehabilitation, (4)Reconciliation, (5)Economic Development.
The first step towards bringing an end to the issue of child soldiers in Northern Uganda, is bringing an end to the Civil War. Engagement from world leaders could lead to the end of LRA violence and prevent additional children from being used as soldiers. Increased political pressure from citizens of the free world will be required for government and UN action. (Resolve Uganda) Americans have succeeded in lobbying Congress and the US Department of State; however, ensuring that the government follows through on promised actions is necessary. Grassroots advocacy and information sharing worldwide about the situation in Northern Uganda and other LRA-affected areas will garner support and consensus for the peace process. It is only through peace that the abducted children of the LRA will have a chance to lead lives with productive rather than violent opportunities. Even as international engagement is important, ultimately, the responsibility for future stability and the protection of human rights in Northern Uganda falls on the GoU. Following the examples of the Rwandan end to genocide and Sierra Leonean post-conflict rehabilitation of child soldiers should be referred to in order to obtain lasting and meaningful peace.
Conclusion It is critical to bring an end to the human rights violations of children in Northern Uganda. A result of the Civil War, child soldiering will end when the war ends. The GoU has taken limited steps to bringing an end to the conflict and towards protecting and restoring the rights of Ugandan children. Similarly, the UN has not taken a satisfactory role in the peace process. Increased UN presence and assistance will bring hope for swift and sustainable peace.
I think it is important to clarify that the LRA has actually not been active in Northern Uganda for over three years now. They continue to commit atrocities in the DRC and CAR, but there has not been a single act of violence or abduction of a child in northern Uganda by the LRA in years. So, one of your goals is already accomplished.
ReplyDeleteThat said, there is still much work to be done to rehabilitate and reintegrate the ex-child-soldiers and to rebuild communities throughout northern Uganda.
But please, be very careful and accurate with what you write about northern Uganda. There is so much misinformation out there, which I believe is probably where you got the impression that the civil war is still happening here.